

Hello, my name is aunie :D 15 all about me just go to the owner :D welcome to my territory :D please leave your footsprint at my CHITCHATCHOT thank you iloveyou :D

Hi , thanks for walking in to my blog may i had your handwriting ? Thanks

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Tuesday 11 December 2012 | 0 comments
assalamualaikum , hai awaaaaaaaakk kita dah berjaya kita dah tahu macam mana nak buat box yang kita idam-idam kan tuh thanks to LYANA sebab dia tolong ajar aunie terharu actully . ahahah and ade lah kat tadi :/ orang tu cakap *TakTahuSapa* die cakap aunie comel , cute , cantik tapi sayang aunie tunjuk gambar tak pakai tudung :( hmm yeah , mybad ? but tak semestynya aunie tak pakai tudung aunie jahat event aunie jarang berkomunikasi dengan orang ? mungkin orang cakap aunie sombong ? mungkin aunie terlampau manja orang cakap aunie gedik ? but heyy ! sape kou nak jugde-jugde aunie ? you have your own life don't you ? --' so take a good care of it la dude :( sometime rasa sadness sangat bila dengar orang cakap aunie gedik , mengada-ngada :( aunie pon ade perasaan ? macam mane lagi aunie nak buat supaya orang pandang aunie nie bukan jenis yang macam tuh ? seriusly i don't know :( yeahh ramai orang cakap don't jugde the book but it's cover but heyy , you already did it ? semua manusia buat kesalahan yup aunie pon tak bolh lari dari kesalahan yang aunie buat but don't need to bash me like i'm criminals ? --' dude growing up lah . but selamanya kou ade dekat atas :( someday you must be at the ground :( aunie tahu aunie banyak buat salah , alwaays do the wrong things never do the right things but people can changes you know ? just give another chance and i will fixed it *Promise
aunie tahu english aunie berterabur aunie tahu aunie tak pandai english , aunie tahu english aunie banyak yang tak betul tapi cikgu english aunie cakap *practisemakeperfect*

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