

Hello, my name is aunie :D 15 all about me just go to the owner :D welcome to my territory :D please leave your footsprint at my CHITCHATCHOT thank you iloveyou :D

Hi , thanks for walking in to my blog may i had your handwriting ? Thanks

lepaking with elis , naim and afiq :D
Thursday 24 January 2013 | 0 comments
assalamualaikum guys :* hello ladies ;) sorry sebab dah lama tak update blog :( yeww saya tahu saya salah :( mintak maaf *tunduk* apa ? awak maafkan ? yeayyyy :* #kisspipi so start with hari ni aunie nak story about the days aunie lepak dengan naim , elis and afiq :D siapa diaorang -.- errr meyhh aunie kenal kan sorang-sorang eh :) first naim dia best buddyz , abang , and scndle :) elis pulak sista :D meanwhile afiq is elis boyfie :) yupp comel en ? tahu takk -.- diaorang selalu buat aunie and naim jeles :/ yeahh kami tahu kami tak de pasangan waktu tu but don't need to make us jelouse lah ken -.- diaoraaaaaaaaang omey canat-canat (sangat) kak elis tinggi sama dengan aunie meanwhile dia punya badan lagi kecik dari aunie -.- yupp aunie kalah :/ berat aunie 45 meanwhile berat kak elis 35 -.- kurang 10 kg dari aunie :D disebabkan kami gaduh pasal ketinggian waktu dekat kantin :) acik kantin cakap perempuan pendek omeyy :D yeayyyy :D ahahahah see what ? dia cakap kami omeyyy kau ado ? :P so afiq and naim buat muka , aunie and elis dah gelak-gelak ? kalau tengok diaorang pujuk memujuk sweeet sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat jelly tawww :/ that's all for this post :) bye guyss :*

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